Tehran urges serious international reaction to Israel's crimes in Gaza

October 23, 2023 - 22:59

TEHRAN - Amid the occupying regime’s brutal bombardment of the beleaguered Gaza Strip, Iran has once again urged the world to take Israel’s crimes seriously.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said on Sunday that Israel has committed a number of “criminal acts” in Gaza and the international community needs to respond “seriously” to such crimes.

He also described Hamas’s Operation Al-Aqsa Storm as a “turning point” in the Palestinians’ fight against the Israeli regime.

“The reaction of the Zionist regime to the glorious resistance of the Palestinian people is criminal action in such a way that it takes revenge on the defenseless people in the Gaza Strip,” he added.

Denouncing the West’s inaction towards the crimes of Israel, the spokesman said, “With the silence of the U.S. and its allies on what is happening to the Palestinian people, the mask was removed from the faces of the so-called human rights advocates.”

Kanaani urged Muslim nations to stand with the Palestinians, pointing out that Palestinians are adamant in resisting the occupation regime.

“Islamic countries are obliged to support them,” Kanaani noted, adding, “Iran continues to support the resistance of the Palestinian people in the political field.”   

Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the speaker of the Iranian parliament, on Tuesday warned about the severe situation in the Gaza Strip. He also said an Israeli ground invasion of the beleaguered territory will “open the gates of hell” for the Zionists and plunge the entire region into chaos.

The Iranian Parliament speaker emphasized that if Israel’s atrocities in Gaza continue, the situation will quickly spiral out of control.

Qalibaf criticized the complete blockade on Gaza, which has prevented the coastal enclave from receiving necessities, including water, power, food, and medication.

“The blockade of Gaza and cutting off the supply of water, electricity, medicine and food to this area is a clear example of genocide,” he added.

The speaker also highlighted, “In addition, the use of non-conventional military weapons, such as banned phosphorus bombs, in these attacks violates international conventions on the prohibition of chemical weapons.”

The Israeli regime, the Parliament speaker said, is at “a political and social impasse” and is prepared to ignite the entire region to maintain its hold on power.

Qalibaf cautioned that another battle in the region could change the course of history “within a matter of hours” given the high level of tension in West Asia caused by U.S. militarism and the impact of the Ukraine war on the world’s political landscape.

By continuing to give military support to the Israeli occupying regime, the United States is “deeply complicit” in Israel’s abuses of Palestinians’ human rights, the top lawmaker emphasized.

“The parliaments of Islamic countries should ask America to change its policy on Gaza and demand an end to the siege,” he said.

Qalibaf also asked Islamic countries to hold multinational firms, that aid the Israeli regime, accountable for their participation in abusing Palestinian rights in Gaza.

Following the unexpected Operation al-Aqsa Storm, which was a reaction to increased Israeli transgressions against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, Israel began its ceaseless bombing of Palestine on October 7.

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